Boasting a working staff of well over 300, Abingdon Flooring is the UK’s largest manufacturer of carpets. Based in England and South Wales, Abingdon Flooring produces more than nine million square metres of carpet every year.

Abingdon Flooring prides itself for offering quality products with a wide range of styles, colours and material, suited to your needs both financial and stylistic, all of this supported by Abingdon’s unique set of guarantees to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

The company is also intent on staying ahead of the curve, perfecting their craft with cutting edge scientific developments to improve performance, service, and manufacturing in order to grow bigger and better.

With their Alliance delivery service as their latest investment in carpet transport, along with the latest ‘track and trace’ logistics software to allow customers to follow their order being but the beginning of their on-going development program, which invests over £2 million every year.

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